About Us

The Sauereisen SewerGard® 210 System is supported by a group of technically trained representatives. The Sauereisen SewerGard® 210 Technical Representatives will provide you with detailed specifications and quality assurance guidelines ensuring the highest opportunity for a successful application of the corrosion resistant lining system. Project specifications and material recommendations are available for both new construction and rehabilitation applications. Our expertise includes a complete understanding of water infiltration and substrate repair materials in addition to corrosion resistant linings. A Sauereisen SewerGard® 210 Technical Representative offers technical guidance concerning surface preparation, installation, and testing procedures for the Sauereisen SewerGard® No. 210 System, as well as identifying Sauereisen qualified installers.

Sauereisen, Inc., based in Pittsburgh, PA since 1899, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of corrosion-resistant lining materials specifically formulated for wastewater applications. Sauereisen is an active member of NACE, ASTM, ICRI, SSPC, ASME and ACI.

Together, the technical expertise of Sauereisen and the Sauereisen SewerGard® 210 Technical Representative can provide you with all you will need for a successful corrosion resistant lining application.

For more information about Sauereisen, please visit sauereisen.com

SewerGard® 210 Technical Representatives

Joe Keating

Joe Keating is a graduate of California Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo and has served as the technical representative for the Sauereisen SewerGard 210® 100% Solids Epoxy Lining System for the past two years. In his time, he has focused on specification development, quality assurance and control and application of Sauereisen Corrosion Resistant Products. Joe is being trained by Dave Snider and Mike Keating, who’s combined 70 years of experience with corrosion resistant products offers exceptional insight and knowledge. 

Scott Wendling

Scott Wendling, Western Regional Manager for Sauereisen, Inc., has extensive knowledge of the wastewater industry, application procedures and equipment. Scott resides in St. George, UT.

Sauereisen is a 126-year old, Pittsburgh based, manufacturer of various corrosion resistant materials of construction. 

Technical Expertise in:

Surface Preparation


Testing Procedures

Specification Review and Support

Quality Assurance Guidelines

Material Recommendations

Identify Sauereisen Certified Applicators

Contactor Training

Onsite support

And More….

The Sauereisen SewerGard 210 100% Solids Epoxy Lining System offers the highest quality protection specifically formulated for corrosion resistance in municipal and industrial wastewater environments.